
What Is Amino Acid Therapy?

Amino Acid Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

The contribution in the development of cerebral palsy focuses on potentially modifiable factors during the neonatal period. Studies revealed that it has something to do with the excitable protein building blocks and their role in neurological injury.

In preventing the permanent deficit of having cerebral palsy, amino acid therapy is a method of treating brain damage and early abnormality. This was created by Professor Alexander Khokhlov from Russia who is teaching biochemistry and nuerology. He also has other clinics in Cyrpus, Czech Republic, London and New Zealand.

This consists of the intravenous administration of one or more essential protein building blocks. It was performed on 84 patients that went through treatment from February 1994 to February 1996. About 39 received two courses, 20 had three sessions, 9 took four, 9 received five courses, 6 had six sessions and 1 took seven. Accordingly, a percentage of more than 50 patients were given 3 or more courses.

Amino Acid Therapy for Psychological Condition

Neurotransmitters are important chemical messengers which regulate functions in the brain, muscles, organs and nerves. Serotonin, dopamine, neropinephrine and epinephrine are the most common of its type.

People that have the neurotransmitter deficiency can have the following conditions depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, attention deficit, anxiety, panic attacks and many more. With the application of the amino acid therapy it has helped those who are agonizing such situations. Treatments include taking SSRI or selective serotonin re- uptake inhibitors and other prescribed drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa or Wellbutrin.

It functions by artificially accelerating the amount of serotonin in the synapse of the nerve. This allows a temporary recovery in the chemical messaging system. The downside however, is that it does not increase serotonin levels and diminishes the stocks of NT. It happens because the SSRI class drugs bring about an augment in an enzyme called MAO.

Amino Acid Therapy for Cancer

Developed by Angelo John, a cancer scientist, he researched the role of the protein block- builders in the cancer cells. Afterwhich, he determined how it can be altered to eliminate to cause its death. Thus, his objective is to strategically and scientifically utilize the chemical reactions and supplemental responses by interfering with the five basic prerequisites namely structure, blood vessels, energy, growth hormones and functions.

Amino acid therapy works synergistically with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It hinders the rise of tumors and causes them to retreat. It is a six to eight month course administered to under the care of your doctor and just inside the comforts of your home.

There was a study done by Dr. Marco Rabinovitz of the National Cancer Institute where it showed that deprivation of the protein block- builders is beneficial in healing cancer. Such is an example that consists of scintifically formulated amino acids. In the otherhand, Dr. Chi Van Dang of John Hopkins School of Medicine stated that cancer cells are sugar junkies that if robbed of glucose, they will eventually pass away.

What Is Allicin?


A powerful antibiotic, allicin is an anti- fungal compound that is found in garlic. However, it does not mean that it can be found in its natural state. When it is chopped or crushed, the enzyme alliinase performs chemically thus converting it.

Allicin may not a be a very steady complex because it slowly disintegrates when it stands and is quickly damaged when cooked. Good thing about it is that it will do a large contribution medicinally, it fights artiosclerosis. It also has the ability to dissolve fats as well as an antioxidant to some extent.

Dubbed as Mother Nature’s insecticide, allicin was discovered in 1944 by Chester John Cavallito who primarily recognized its antimicrobial activity. It has a patent for its antifungal activity in test tubes. Albeit, there were no clinical test that were performed and was never developed into a commercial drug because of its absorption inability and foul smell.

Potential Value

There are some manufacturers who attempted to prevent its typical loss so that it would not come together only until after consumption in the hope of producing it inside the body.

It is done by measuring the additional water to garlic products that contain both alliin and alliinase to identify how much has been produced. But it then revealed that actual chemical reaction inside the body is a whole lot different as that being done in a test tube. The intestinal conditions hamper its absorption because the belly acid wrecks aliinase and intestinal fluids and depletes the amount created.

The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of alliin called alliinase, has been discovered to be irreversibly neutralized to more than lower than pH3, an acidic environment found in the stomach.

Absorption Feature

Allicin is actually not bioavailable. There was a study conducted wherein 25 participants consumed a big portion approximately 90, 000 micograms versus crushed raw garlic of ten cloves. It showed that not a trace could be detected in both the blood and urine after 1 to 24 hours of intake.

Because of its towering reactivity, allicin was revealed to be entirely metabolized in the liver. If it could have reached the blood, it would have illustrated alterations into other compounds within five minutes. Also, in the method, it could have corrode the cells in the blood that brought about them to drop the capability in carrying oxygen.

Prior to that, allicin is quickly metabolized in the blood and tissues of human beings. It is doubtful however, if it contributes to any other actions in the body such as antithrombotic or better known as, blood thinning.

How To Install A Voodoo Slip-On Exhaust

There are multiple reasons that people want to replace the stock mufflers that came installed on their motorcycles and replace them with aftermarket exhausts. Whether your muffler has become worn or you simply want to upgrade to a better-performing exhaust, replacing it is something that is commonly done by motorcycle owners everywhere. Here is how you can install the Voodoo Slip-On Exhaust


How To Get Bigger Arms | Edge Fitness Arm Workout

Hey everyone! In this video it was arm day. For this workout video we decided to meet over at Edge Fitness in Deptford, NJ. As many of you know, we love to superset our workouts, especially our arm workouts. This means every time we complete a set of bicep exercises, we perform a complementary triceps exercise. It’s the best way to get the blood flowing! You can perform this workout by yourself, but it’s a tougher workout when you have partners. Pushing to the limit, less time between sets.

Don’t get hung up on the amount of weight. Feel free to reduce the weight and keep the reps high.

How To Get Bigger Arms Workout

Have you tried this workout? I’d like to hear from you. Make sure you like, comment, and most importantly Subscibe! Click the button below. 

The Ultimate List Of Motovloggers On YouTube

What Is A Motovlog?

Simply put, motovlogging is when you attach a camera to yourself or your motorcycle and record your ride.  Wikipedia defines it as:

A motovlog is a type of video log recorded by a person while riding a motorcycle. The word is a neologism and portmanteau derived from “motorcycle”, “video” and “log”. A rider who creates video blogs known as a moto blogger, and the action of making motovlogs is called motovlogging. Most motovloggers upload their videos on YouTube, and the network of motovloggers here is known as the motovloggers community.

Who Was The First MotoVlogger?

While it’s specifically documented when the first motovlog was created, the earliest motovlogging channels on Youtube is M13 which started in 2006.  

Are you looking for motovloggers to follow?

Since then the motovolgging community has exploded. Each rider has a different style of riding, a different sense of humor, and a different style of teaching. 

While I’m positive this isn’t a complete list, I’m sure you’ll find a channel here that will peak your interest.  Make sure you check back frequently because I’ll be adding to this list. 

If you’re a motovlogger that would like to added to this list simply follow me on YouTube and fill out my contact form and I’ll get you added! 

Check Out These Articles:

Shout Out To PhatboyR6 and No.Bumpers for helping me come up with this collection of motovloggers. So here they are in no particular order! 

The Beginner’s Guide To Gaining Weight

There is only one magic formula to gaining weight and it requires that you eat more calories than your body burns. If you are finding it difficult to gain weight despite the fact you think you eat a lot, it is possible you are not creating a calorie surplus. If you are struggling to gain weight, these tips can help you understand what may be happening.

Why You’re Not Gaining Weight

If you are naturally skinny, you may think you can eat anything you want without gaining. You may claim you have a fast metabolism or that you simply don’t digest food the way heavier people do. You may believe you are constantly stressed which can lead to weight loss or that there is some medical condition that leads you to stay thin. However, there is truly only one explanation for staying thin and that is that you aren’t eating as much as you think you are. Track your calories for one week using an app like MyFitnessPal or something similar. It is highly likely you will find that you are not gaining weight because you are eating fewer calories than you are burning.

Somatotypes: Is Your Body Type Important

Your body type does play a part in how easily you gain or lose weight. People with high metabolisms do exist and it is possible you are not gaining because you are very active. Many people who have difficulty gaining fidget more than those who do not, research indicates. If you have a small frame, you may still have difficulty gaining because your body is not built to be big. Even if you have a small frame, have difficulty gaining due to activity or your metabolism is higher than others, if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. The key is to eat more calories than you burn consistently in order to see results.

How to Gain Weight

There are several ways to increase your calorie intake in order to gain weight. You can add more calories to each meal or add additional meals. Add calorie-dense food to your diet such as dried fruits, nuts or pasta. Blended food digests easier than food you have to chew, so add smoothies to your diet. One of the best smoothies includes oats, milk, banana, peanut butter and whey protein. Just as overweight people underestimate what they eat, skinny people overestimate what they eat. Track your calories each day to see what you are consuming. Consider a fitness tracker, such as a FitBit or Garmin, to track both calories and activity each day. Add squats and deadlifts with free weights to your workout to help you gain.

The Importance of Nutrition

Eating more calories than you burn will help you gain weight, but not just any calories. You want to be sure to choose healthy options, like whole grains as well as lean meats and dairy. Start by adding 500 calories per day than you are burning. If you are not gaining as you’d like, add more calories, but do so slowly to avoid building belly fat. You need to be consistent as it is the daily average calorie intake that determines true weight gain.

You Need to Eat More Protein

Increase the amount of protein you eat each day, such as chicken, fish and eggs. Add 1 gram of protein per pound of body-weight per day to build muscle and for recovery. Some of the best protein options include steaks, ground round, chicken breasts and thighs as well as tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines. Eggs are good source of protein as are dairy products like milk, cottage cheese and yogurt.

Top Protein Sources:

Eat More Meals Throughout the Day

Small meals are easier to manage than large meals, so aim for six to seven small meals per day rather than three. Start by waking up earlier and eating breakfast. Too often, skinny people eat nothing for breakfast which means they are getting no calories before noon. You need at least eight hours sleep, so that leaves you only 16 hours to eat each day. Start with breakfast around 7 AM, adding a snack 10 AM. Lunch should be around 1 PM, another snack around 4 PM and then dinner around 7 PM. Keep in mind these are not large, more than 1,000 calorie meals, but smaller meals that are between 500 and 700 calories.

What You Should Eat

Choose foods that are high in calories and nutrition. Although vegetables are healthy, they do not have many calories. Keep vegetables in your diet for their nutritional value and fat-burning properties, but if you want to gain weight, you also need to add foods like nuts, dried fruit, dairy, grains, potatoes, fats and meat. Try to avoid junk food even though it is high in calories. McDonald’s food is calorie-dense, but also contains significant amounts of fat, sugar and sodium. Although eating chips, cookies, fries and ice cream may add calories, it can lead to extra fat around your belly. That does not mean you can never eat at McDonald’s or enjoy a cold beer every now and then. The best rule of thumb is 90 percent quality food and 10 percent junk food.

Train Consistently

Lifting helps trigger muscle mass building in your body so you want to include lifting weights in your workout. Lifting also increases your appetite helping you to eat more. If you eat more than you burn, lifting keeps food from being stored as fat. Use free weights which are more effective and safer than machines. Include compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press and rows. Always try to lift more than you did in your last workout and be sure your form is correct. Your body needs rest, so don’t do more than three full body workouts each week.

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Supplements for the Skinny Guy

Blending food in liquid form helps you digest it more quickly. You can make your own weight gainer shakes by combining:

  • 100g Oats
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 300ml Whole Milk
  • 2 scoops Whey Protein

Mix everything in a blender for 1048 calories, 120g carbs, 80g protein and 28g fat. Avoid processed weight gainer shakes as they are often full of sugars. If you aren’t a fan of smoothies, simply drink whole milk.

These tips and suggestions are designed for people who have difficulty gaining weight when working out. For more tips on workouts, nutrition and weight, subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Where To Buy Used Motorcycles

If you have made the decision to buy a motorcycle, you have probably set your budget and decided what bike is best for your needs. For many people, the cost of a brand-new motorcycle is out of their price range so they decide to go with a used bike. However, you want to be sure you purchase a bike that is in good condition, mechanically sound and will last you a long time. 

With so many options available to find used bikes, it can be difficult to decide the best place to go to purchase yours. These are some of the best places to find used motorcycles and some tips on what to watch for when you use these services. If you’re wondering how to buy a motorcycle, here is another great article.  


RunThaCity’s 300 Pullup Challenge: Ultimate Pullup Training

There is nothing that says you need to be big to be strong. Even if your build is thin, you can build muscle that gives you more strength. Your size is no indication of how strong you actually are. One way to build better muscle is by mastering the pullup. Some trainers say that the pullup puts smaller-framed body builders on a level playing field with those with large frames. You may be able to deadlift hundreds of pounds, but if you cannot meet the 300 Pullup Challenge, you’re not really as strong as you think.


Where Can I Sell My Motorcycle?

If you have made the decision to sell your motorcycle, whether because you want to upgrade or because you have different priorities, knowing where to sell your bike is as important as knowing what to ask for it.

Selling your bike is already a difficult enough decision in many cases, so there is no need for the added stress of knowing the best place to sell your motorcycle. These tips can help you find the perfect place to sell your bike and will provide you with some tips that could make the process go more smoothly. You can find a few more tips on how to sell your motorcycle here


Why You Should Include Bent over Dumbell Rows In Your Back Workout

Bent over dumbbell rows should not be something you just toss into your back workout every now and then. This type of lift offers significant benefits, something you know if you are doing one-arm dumbbell rows already. If you are not, the following will explain why they are one of the best things you can do when working out your back.

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